Google Broad Core Algorithm Update of 2022

The recent Google’s broad core updates are designed to enable the search results to become more relevant for users. It has been noticed that these latest changes are directed to influence site performance in search results.

Google’s general advice regarding the core update

You can expect widely noticeable effects, such as spikes or drops in search rankings. Core updates don’t target anything specific Instead, they’re designed to improve overall Google’s systems.

Website pages that drop in Google rankings have not been penalised instead they’re being reassessed against other web content that had been published since the last update. Its highly recommended that you focus on your top-performing content.

Those who have been working hard on their site during that time have seen some noticeable improvements while those who haven’t, have seen their sites outranked by those with more relevant content.

As you can see Google is becoming more and more focussed on content quality and relevance, so better buckle up! In case you have any questions just drop us a line and we will get back to you ASAP.

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